写经验 领红包
 > 家居


1. My darling, I“m waiting for you.亲爱的,我在等你。

2. How long is a day in the dark?不见天日的一天会有多长?

3. on the paintings and on writing these words.看这些画,还有给你写信上。

4. We die.我们都会死。

5. We die rich with lovers and tribes,我们与爱人、家族一同魂归天国;

6. to walk in such a place with you,只想跟着你漫步天国。

7. with friends.与朋友们一同;

8. an earth without maps.去一个没有地图的乐土;

9. The lamp“s gone out,油尽灯枯了;

10. and I“m writing... in the darkness.我在黑暗中,默默写着....