
编辑: 时间:2024-02-01 16:27:39




A: sigh... 唉 (叹气)

B: Why? 怎么了?

A: Do you see the weather forcast for tomorrow? 你看见明天的天气预报了吗?

B: Yeh... It's said it's going to rain. 额, 是的, 它说明天下雨。

C: No! It's the haze! 不是! 是明天有雾霾!

A: Yes, it's the haze again! I hate the pollution. 是的, 又是雾霾! 我讨厌空气污染。

D: So, we can't go out tomorrow? Oh, no, it's the weekend. We planned to go out to the park. 那我们明天不能出去啦? 哦, 不要, 明天是周末。 我们想好的要去公园的。

C: No, we can't. We can only stay inside the house, because of the haze. 不, 我们不能去了。 因为雾霾我们只能呆在房子里面。

D: When can it get better? 什么时候会好转?

A: Who knows. 谁知道。

B: It's said it'd be getting better next Tuesday. 据说下周二会好一点。

C: We really should do something to protect our environment. Otherwise we will need wear the mask every day. 我们真应该做些什么来保护环境了。 不然的话, 我们将要每天都戴着面具口罩。

A: And it's bad to our health too. 而且雾霾对于我们的健康也有很大影响。

B: I saw more and more people cough and go to hospital now. 我看到越来越多的人咳嗽, 去医院。

D: But what can we do? 但是我们能做些什么呢?

C: If there are less cars, there will be less exhaust. 如果没有那么多汽车, 就没有那么多尾气排放。

B: That's right. We can take more public transportation, like buses and subways. 对的。 我们可以更多的利用公共交通, 比如公共汽车和地铁。

D: We should plant more trees to clean the air. 我们应该多种树来清洗空气。

A: For us, we can also save water and electricity to proctect the environment. 对我们来说,我们也可以节约用水和用电来保护环境。

B, C, D: Yes, protect the environement is the most important part now. 是的, 保护环境是目前最重要的了。



1.sunny weather 阳光明媚的天气

The warm sunny weather always give me a sense of well-being。温暖阳光的天气一直都给我幸福安宁的感觉。

2.unsettled weather 变化无常的天气

We didn’t have the picnic because the weather was unsettled。我们没有出去野餐,因为天气变幻莫测。

3.broken weather 阴晴不定的天气

The spell of rainy weather has broken. 持续的雨天突然放晴了。

4.lazy weather 使人倦懒的天气

The weather was lazy。这天气使人无精打采。

5.severe weather 恶劣的天气

Severe weather immobilized the rescue team. 恶劣的天气使救援队丧失了机动性。

6.foggy weather 雾茫茫的天气

As often as not the buses are late on foggy day。每逢多雾天气,公车往往误点。

7.glorious weather 妙不可言的天气

We had glorious weather for our cruise, sunshine all day and every day。我们这次巡航天气实在太好了,一连几天阳光普照。

8.cold weather 寒冷的天气

The cold weather froze the lake 。寒冷的天气使湖水结冰了。

9.frosty weather 严寒的天气

The air was frosty。空气凛冽。

10.moist weather 微湿的天气

You need cool, moist weather for these plants。这些植物需要清凉潮湿的天气。


Paddy: Very bizarre(=weird) weather we’re having isn’t it?


Jim: It’s like four seasons in one day!


Paddy: Thunderstorms one minute, sunshine the next, then it’s freezing cold. That’s not right in March!


Jim: It’s really humid(adj.潮湿的) today isn’t it?


Paddy: I think it has something to do with climate change.


Jim: What do you mean?


Paddy: Hotter summers, colder winters. Weather is going to extremes all over the world.


Jim: You might be right there. Governments need to stop thinking about endless economic growth. We only have one world!

吉姆:这点说得有些道理。政府机构们不应该只关心无止境的经济增长!我们只有一个地球。 Dialogue 1: 1对话:George: What’s the weather like in Beijing? George: 北京的天气怎样? Yong Mei: Well in the winter it's really cold and in the summer it's really hot. Yong Mei: 冬天特冷,夏天特热。 George: And what's the weather like there at the moment? George: 眼下天起如何呢? Yong Mei: I think it’s still quite warm, but a bit rainy too. John: 眼下还挺暖和的,不过有点阴雨天。 Dialogue 2: 2对话:Chen: What’s the weather forecast for the weekend? Chen: 周末的天气预报如何? Sam: It’s going to be cold tonight and freezing on Saturday. Sam: 今天夜里很寒冷,星期六将有霜冻。 Chen: What about on Sunday? Chen: 星期日怎么样? Sam: It’s getting worse; it’s going to be windy and maybe even snowy. /SPAN



Anna: Hi, Bofer, beautiful weather, isn't it?


Bofer: Sure,Anna,it's quite clear.


Anna: I hope it will continue to be fine.


Bofer: I'm afraid it will not because I have watched the weather forecast.


Anna: What does the weatherman say about tomorrow?


Bofer: Rainy and cool.



Anna: Did you see the fund一raising show yesterday evening?


Li Mei: Yes.It's a heart-shaking show.


Anna: So I have sent the message of donation during the show.


Li Mei: Maybe we can hold the charity sale to support them.


Anna: What about your opinion?


Li Mei: Now we can have a talk with our manager first.


Anna: Good idea.



A:Hi, is that B speaking? This is A.

B:Oh!Year. I haven`t heard from you for ages, how are you?

A:Not much, except the bad weather, everything goes well.

B:It goes well in Chengdu,the temperature is low, however,it doesn`t shonw.

A:Oh, how I wish it could stop snowing in Harbin!There are all snow around, then we ues it to play,haha.Er,Do you remembered the weather in Chongqing?

B:Of course!

A:When summer comes, it become hotter hotter, we can go to rivers to swim…

B:When winter wacation is approching, it`s the most happy time!

A:Haha, the fog is thick.It`s hard for us to see each other though we stood colse.

B:I want to go back now!

A:Me,too. See you in Chongqing.

B:See you.