
编辑: 时间:2024-03-01 15:18:43




片尾曲是《By The Way》

By The Way

歌曲名:By The Way

歌手:Red Hot Chili Peppers

创作:Red Hot Chili Peppers


Standing in line

To see the show tonight

And there's a light on

Heavy glow

By the way I tried to say

I'd be there... waiting for

Dani the girl

Is singing songs to me

Beneath the marquee... overload

Steak Knife Caro Shark

Con Job Boot Cut

Skin that flick

She's such a little DJ

Get there quick

By street but not the freeway

Turn that trick

To make a little leeway

Beat that nic

But not the way that we play

Dog Town Blood Bath

Rib Cage Soft Tail

Black Jack Dope Dick

Pawn Shop Quick Pick

Kiss that Dyke

I know you want to hold one

Not on strike

But I'm about to bowl one

Bite that mic

I know you never stole one

Girls that like

A story so I told one

Song Bird Main Line

Cash Back Hard top

By the way I tried to say

I'd be there... waiting for


By the way I tried to say

I know you

From it for




崔秉亮,1975年,吉林省辽源市生人,祖籍山东省诸城市。影视编导专业,职业钓鱼人、电视栏目制片 人。人称“行者小崔”,中国最早的游钓行者,年平均钓鱼200多天,2007年至今连续游钓中国,并策划组织拍摄四海钓鱼频道《渔我同行》栏目,并兼任主 持人。中央电视台CCTV-5频道户外钓鱼类栏目特约钓手,特约技术顾问。

小崔自幼受外公影响喜爱钓鱼,直到参加工作也未曾间断钓 鱼,1997年举家搬迁至北京定居,并接触竞技钓鱼的行列,2005年因经常参加比赛的小崔成绩优异,被国内知名团体聘为钓鱼教练,并使他重新回到自己的 影视编导专业上。2006年他离职走向全国游钓,2007年底加入四海钓鱼频道,任栏目制片人,继续完成他的游钓影视梦