
编辑: 时间:2024-03-07 00:09:39




Paddy: Very bizarre(=weird) weather we’re having isn’t it?


Jim: It’s like four seasons in one day!


Paddy: Thunderstorms one minute, sunshine the next, then it’s freezing cold. That’s not right in March!


Jim: It’s really humid(adj.潮湿的) today isn’t it?


Paddy: I think it has something to do with climate change.


Jim: What do you mean?


Paddy: Hotter summers, colder winters. Weather is going to extremes all over the world.


Jim: You might be right there. Governments need to stop thinking about endless economic growth. We only have one world!

吉姆:这点说得有些道理。政府机构们不应该只关心无止境的经济增长!我们只有一个地球。 Dialogue 1: 1对话:George: What’s the weather like in Beijing? George: 北京的天气怎样? Yong Mei: Well in the winter it's really cold and in the summer it's really hot. Yong Mei: 冬天特冷,夏天特热。 George: And what's the weather like there at the moment? George: 眼下天起如何呢? Yong Mei: I think it’s still quite warm, but a bit rainy too. John: 眼下还挺暖和的,不过有点阴雨天。 Dialogue 2: 2对话:Chen: What’s the weather forecast for the weekend? Chen: 周末的天气预报如何? Sam: It’s going to be cold tonight and freezing on Saturday. Sam: 今天夜里很寒冷,星期六将有霜冻。 Chen: What about on Sunday? Chen: 星期日怎么样? Sam: It’s getting worse; it’s going to be windy and maybe even snowy. /SPAN


A: What a gorgeous day today!

B: Yes, But for me. I feel a little bit cold. I miss the climate in my hometown.

A: Oh? What's the kind of climate in your hometown?

B: My hometown is in Kaiping Guangdong. There are four very obvious seasons in it. But generally speaking, it's not that cold as here.

A: Yeah, usually the climate in south China is warm. So what is your favorite season?

B: I like autumn the most. Because it's not cold or hot. And I like the leaves change color and the cool wind blow on my face. I feel good in this weather.

A: Yes, I like that climate, too. By the way, have you noticed that the weather change quickly and extremely last time?

B: Of course, months ago, the storm and the heavy rain, right?

A: Yes, that's the one.

B: There was raining cats and dogs that day. And the weather change to so cold immediately. And there were flood in some areas.

A: Yes, you're right.

有关天气的英语对话 两分钟

A : Hey how r u today?

B: im fine thanks. how lovely the weather is today!

A: yeah~ i love sunny weather, its really good to go out for fun in such a good day!

B: yes, its been raning for 4 days, finally the rain stop today!

A: oh i hate rainy day! everthing gets wet.

B: i agree with u. so what are u going to do this afternoon?

A: I want to go fishing, would u like to join me?

B: i'd love to. let's meet at 2

A:see u then

B: see u !